New Phoenix - The first colony on Mars. Designed to survive every challenge, except the one they now face. When a threat capable of destroying the colony becomes imminent, an unlikely team must come together to save the colony.

Zamler, an enhanced android wants to be rid of the emotions given to him by his creator.

Sam, a geologist puts getting a promotion before his family, even if this means risking his life.  
Shane, a machine operator tries to cheat Sam out of a valuable discovery. All in an effort to escape his dark past.

Time is short. Help from Earth isn’t coming. The colony must come first.

"This is probably one of the best prequels I've experienced in any form. Unlike a lot of big budget movie prequels, it doesn't strain to explain and wind up making things murkier. Or give you the secret origin of things you don't care about." - Goodreads review



Ian Connors happens to be the secret weapon of a powerful military faction bent on conquering all humans who have colonized Mars. His job is to use his psychic ability to uncover secrets or hidden bases of other factions. Ian not only uncovers a valuable hidden mine through his visions, but also Kayla, a woman he sees himself with in the future. The only problem is she's on the other side and fighting to save her people.

Ian discovers the death and destruction his visions can bring when in the wrong hands. He realizes he has no choice but to escape his faction, but the admiral is not about to give up his prized psychic. Deep down, Ian longs to be with Kayla. He's inexperienced in a corrupt world. His only edge - visions of the future.

"Vallar is what I call a cross-cutting science fiction novel. It has romance, combat, technical wizardry, suspense and adventure. A definite must read now type of book!" - Amazon Review.

"One of the best books I've read in a good while, in Vallar Cindy Borgne creates a tangible feuding society on Mars, with an innocent teenager caught in the middle." - Amazon Review